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Tarek Hijal 


Clinical Lead 

Radiation Oncologist 

Opal lead 


Dr. Tarek Hijal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncology and a member of the Division of Radiation Oncology at the McGill University Health Centre since 2009. In addition to clinical research in breast cancer, Dr. Hijal has been involved in clinical operations in radiation oncology and at the level of the Cancer Care Mission at the MUHC. As Associate Director for Clinical Affairs of the Division of Radiation Oncology from 2011 to early 2014, Dr. Hijal worked on streamlining clinical operations and expanding the use of the electronic medical records and informatics in the division, including data analysis. Through funding from the Rossy Cancer Network, he implemented a self-check-in system for patients in radiation oncology. With Professor Laurie Hendren from the department of Computer Science and Dr. John Kildea from the department of Medical Physics, they founded the Health Informatics Group, which uses informatics in health care, through patient record databases, to improve patient care. The HIG is currently developing, with funding from the Q+ project of the MUHC, a personalized patient portal with a real-time system to predict wait times for start of radiation treatment and during visits to the cancer clinic.



We acknowledge the financial support of Le Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation and Fonds d’accélération des collaborations en santé (Health Collaborations Accelerator Fund).

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